These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.2.

Supported Languages

Full matrix of supported languages and build tools

Click on the tool name below (e.g. JavaScript (npm)) to view extended documentation on that environment.

Language / ToolQuick Import ( Plugin (fossa-cli)
JavaScript (npm)SupportedSupported
JavaScript (bower)SupportedSupported
JavaScript (yarn)SupportedSupported
Ruby (gems)SupportedSupported
Clojure (leiningen)-Supported
Debian (dpkg)-Supported
Golang (glide)SupportedSupported
Golang (godeps)SupportedSupported
Golang (govendor)SupportedSupported
Golang (gopkg)SupportedSupported
Haskell (stack & cabal)-Supported
Java (maven)SupportedSupported
Java (gradle)SupportedRecommended
Java (ant/ivy)-Recommended
Scala (sbt)SupportedRecommended
PHP (composer)SupportedSupported
iOS - ObjC, Swift (Cocoapods)SupportedSupported
iOS - ObjC, Swift (Carthage)SupportedSupported
Python (pip/virtualenv)SupportedSupported
Python (requirements.txt)SupportedSupported
.NET - C#, F# VB (NuGet & Paket)SupportedSupported
Rust (Cargo)SupportedSupported
Perl (CPAN)Supported-
C, C++, Generic (Binaries)-Supported
C, C++, Generic (Archives / Vendored)-Supported
Generic (Git Submodules)Supported-
Generic (Code Snippets)Contact UsContact Us