Installing and verifying FOSSA
Installing and verifying FOSSA
Now that our cluster is properly configured, our external service dependencies have been configured, and our configuration values are ready, it's time to do the installation.
Installing FOSSA
The last thing you'll want to do before installing is coming up with a Helm release name.
When you install a Helm chart into a Kubernetes cluster, you create a new Helm release. Helm releases are identified by their name, which must be unique for every release in the cluster.
This lets you install a chart into the same cluster multiple times, so you can do things like installing a staging instance of FOSSA alongside a production instance of FOSSA in the same cluster. We recommend naming a release by how it will be used e.g. fossa-production
or fossa-staging
Once you've come up with a release name, install FOSSA with:
$ helm install fossa-production fossa/fossa-core --values YOUR_VALUES_FILE.yaml --timeout 60m
And that's the last step. You're done! 🎉
Configuring DNS
While the installation is running, you'll want to set up a DNS entry for your chosen hostnames:
- You will need a DNS entry for the FOSSA web application.
- If you're self-hosting your S3-compatible object storage, you will need a DNS entry for your object storage as well.
Your DNS provider should provide the documentation for setting up a new DNS entry.
You'll want to make sure that your DNS entry points at your configured Kubernetes ingress. The setup for this will vary depending on your specific Kubernetes ingress controller. Your ingress controller should provide documentation on how to set up external DNS for its ingress points.
Verifying your installation
Now that your DNS entry has been configured and your helm install
has completed, you should be able to navigate to your newly installed FOSSA instance. Once there, you'll be prompted to create a user and an organization, and you'll be able to import your first project for analysis using the FOSSA CLI.
Congratulations! You've successfully completed a base installation of FOSSA.
Updated over 1 year ago