Issues API


What follows are definitions of the types used across the Issues API.


Note while request parameter shapes are shown in JSON for readability, they are actually issued as URL query parameters. See Request Parameter Encoding for more information.


The scope determines whether to query for issues across the entire organization (Global), for a specific Project, or for a specific Revision of a Project.

When omitted, the scope defaults to Global Scope.

Global Scope (Default)

  type: 'global'

Project Scope

If revision is omitted, the latest revision is used.

 type: 'project',
 id: string (this will be a project locator),
 revision: string (optional) (this will be the revision id)


The Issue category being queried. These are directly translatable to the issue pages on the FOSSA UI.

  • licensing
  • quality
  • vulnerability


The status of an individual issue on a project. When omitted, the status defaults to 'active'.

  • active default
  • ignored


Whether the issue has an associated Jira ticket.

has_ticketThis issue has an associated ticket.
no_ticketThis issue does not have an associated ticket.


The depth of the dependency with the issue.

directThis is a direct dependency.
deepThis is a transitive dependency.

Severity (Vulnerability Issues Only)

Severity of a vulnerability issue.

  • critical
  • high
  • medium
  • low
  • unknown

Issue Types

These are issue types used in the type query parameter in many Issues queries.


Vulnerability issues have only a single type, queries for Vulnerability issues don't have a type query parameter.


  • policy_conflict
  • policy_flag
  • unlicensed_dependency


  • outdated_dependency
  • blacklisted_dependency
  • risk_abandonware
  • risk_empty-package
  • risk_native-code


Sorting options for the returned list of issues. When omitted, the sort defaults to created_at_desc for licensing, quality, and risk, and to severity_desc for vulnerability.

package_ascSort by dependency name (A to Z).
package_descSort by dependency name (Z to A).
created_at_ascSort by when the issue was last found (Oldest to newest)
Default for licensing, quality, and risk
created_at_descSort by when the issue was last found (Newest to oldest)
severity_asc (vulnerability only)Sort by severity (Lowest to highest)
severity_desc (vulnerability only)Sort by severity (Highest to lowest)
Default for vulnerability

Issue Filter

Because each issue category has different metadata associated with it, the filters that can be applied to issues, differ across categories. When querying for issues, by default, all issues are returned. The fields of filter types are therefore all optional.


For all issue categories, the search field applies to the problematic dependency's name. For Vulnerability issues, the search field also applies to the CVE of the vulnerability.

When querying for issues of a specific category, endpoints that accept a filter query parameter expect one of the following appropriate shapes:


  search?: string,
  type?: LicensingIssueType[],
  depths?: Depth[],
  ticketed?: Ticketed[],


  search?: string,
  type?: QualityIssueType[],
  depths?: Depth[],
  ticketed?: Ticketed[],


  search?: string,
  depths?: Depth[],
  ticketed?: Ticketed[],
  severity?: Severity[],


Request Parameter Encoding


Request parameter shapes are shown in JSON for readability, they are actually used as URL query parameters.

For example, a possible request to GET /api/v2/issues/categories could have the parameters

  scope: { type: 'project', id: '', revision: 'v1.2.3' }

This would be encoded to the following request, using curl:

curl -G /api/v2/issues/categories \
  -d 'scope[type]=project'
  -d 'scope[id]'
  -d 'scope[revision]=v1.2.3'


Note that while the keys (eg. scope[id]) don't have to be URL encoded, the values (eg. must be URL encoded.

GET /api/v2/issues/categories

Returns the number of active issue counts for a Scope, grouped by issue Category.​

Request Parameters

  scope?: Scope


  licensing: number,
  quality: number,
  vulnerability: number,

GET /api/v2/issues/statuses

Returns issue counts for a Scope, Category and Issue Filter, grouped by issue Status.

Request Parameters

  category: Category,
  scope?: Scope,
  filter?: IssueFilter,


  active: number,
  ignored: number,

GET /api/v2/issues

Returns the list of issues for given Scope, Category, and Issue Filter. Additionally, this endpoint is paginated, and sorting options can be applied.

Request Parameters

  category: Category,
  scope?: Scope,
  filter?: IssueFilter,
  sort?: Sort,
  page?: number,
  count?: number,


  issues: Issue[],


Here are some example Issues API requests using curl.


Note that these make use of the -G flag, which forces all data specified with -d to be encoded into the URL as part of a GET request. See Request Parameter Encoding for more information.

Listing All Direct Licensing Issues Globally

curl -G \
  -d 'category=licensing' \
  -d 'scope[type]=global' \
  -d 'filter[depths][0]=direct' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FOSSA API Token>'

Listing Critical and High Vulnerability Issues For A Project

curl -G \
  -d 'category=vulnerability' \
  -d 'scope[type]=project' \
  -d 'scope[id]' \
  -d 'scope[revision]=v1.2.3' \
  -d 'filter[severity][0]=critical' \
  -d 'filter[severity][1]=high' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FOSSA API Token>'

Listing Log4j Vulnerability Issues Globally

curl -G \
  -d 'category=vulnerability' \
  -d 'scope[type]=global' \
  -d 'filter[search]=log4j' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FOSSA API Token>'


When using the endpoints below, your CSV will be emailed to you

How do I download CSV of all active licensing issues?

curl -G \
  -d 'category=licensing' \
  -d 'scope[type]=global' \
  -d 'csv=true' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FOSSA API Token>'

How do I download CSV of all ignored licensing issues?

curl -G \
  -d 'category=licensing' \
  -d 'scope[type]=global' \
  -d 'csv=true' \
  -d 'status=ignored' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FOSSA API Token>'

How do I download CSV of all active vulnerability issues?

curl -G \
  -d 'category=vulnerability' \
  -d 'scope[type]=global' \
  -d 'csv=true' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <FOSSA API Token>'