Reviewing Quality Issues

We’ve updated our global, project, and release group Issues view to improve experience and functionality. This is the central inbox for all issues across all projects or all issues within a specific project.

From the main Issues tab, you can navigate to your Quality Issues.

In this article, you learn about filtering and sorting options. As well as, bulk actions you can take to address the identified issues.



You can refer to Creating Tickets and Ignoring Issues for more information on completing bulk actions.

Regardless of the type of issue you are reviewing, all issues are automatically filtered into two tabs:

  • Active - All issues that require additional attention
  • Ignored - Issues that have been reviewed and ignored

Filtering Options

You now have the ability to use filters to refine your search.

Filter Groups


Filter TypeDescription
DirectFilter issues that are direct dependencies.
TransitiveFilter issues that are transitive dependencies.


Filter TypeDescription
TicketedFilter issues that already have a ticket associated.
Not TicketedFilter issues that have no associated tickets.

Issue Type

Filter TypeDescription
Outdated VersionFilter Quality issues generated by Stale Package Prevention rules
Blocked packageFilter Quality issues generated by Blocked package rules in package management
AbandonwareFilter Quality issues generated by Abandonware risk intelligence rules
Empty PackageFilter Quality issues generated by Empty Package risk intelligence rules
Native CodeFilter Quality issues generated by Native Code risk intelligence rules



Please see Configuring Quality Policies for detailed breakdown of all quality issue types

First Found

Filter typeDescription
AnytimeFilter Quality issues that have been detected during any time frame.
Last 7 daysFilter Quality issues that have been detected within the last 7 days
Last 14 daysFilter Quality issues that that have been detected within the last 14 days
Last 30 DaysFilter Quality issues that have been detected within the last 30 days

Package manager

The package manager filter enables a user to filter issues to only issues created by a particular ecosystem or package manager.



The package manager filter will only display options from available ecosystems in the given issue scope (Global, project, release group)

Project Label

Filter typeDescription
Project LabelFilter to quality issues detected in project(s) that use a FOSSA provided or user defined project label for additional business context. Multiple labels may be selected using OR based logic.


The top-level team filters enables a user to filter to only issues detected by projects within the selected team(s). This filter displays issues for all teams by default

Filter typeDescription
Team(s)Filter to quality issues detected in project(s) within a specific team. Multiple team(s) may be selected using OR based logic.

Sorting Options

Depending on the number of issues that are listed in your central inbox, it is helpful to sort issues based on specific criteria to support your remediation process. You can sort Issues based on:

  • When the Issue was found by FOSSA (newest to oldest or oldest to newest)
  • The package name (ascending or descending alphabetical order)
  • Issue count per semantic version (Most issues or least issues)



The default sorting is set to Issue count when grouped by version and Newest (newest to oldest) when ungrouped.

Issue Actions

You can initiate actions by selecting the checkbox next to any issue, giving you access to the action menu.



Available actions will depend on product type (licensing, security, quality), issue status (active, ignored), issue scope (global, release group, project), and action type (individual, bulk). Please see the table below for a detailed breakdown.

ActionDescriptionAction type(s)Product type(s)Issue statusIssue scope(s)
Ignore (in current versions only)Ignore the selected issue(s) for the current semantic version of the affected package. Doing so will ignore in only the selected, affected project(s).

A new project revision containing any other semantic version of the package will generate a new active issue.
individual, bulklicensing, security, qualityactiveglobal, release group, project
Create ticketCreate a ticket (JIRA) containing all selected issues. Please see Creating a Jira Ticket for full usage and configuration details.

Doing so with a previously ticketed issue(s) selected will link to the new ticket only.
individual, bulklicensing, security, qualityactive, ignoredglobal, release group, project
Unlink ticketRemove the association between the selected issue(s) and any linked tickets.individual, bulklicensing, security, qualityactive, ignoredglobal, release group, project
Download CSVDownload a CSV containing all selected issues scoped by issue status(active or ignored)individual, bulklicensing, security, qualityactive, ignoredglobal, release group, project
UnignoreChange selected issue(s) status from ignored to active.

Note doing so will not end any existing auto-ignore rules. Please see the auto-ignore section for more details on stopping auto-ignore rules.
individual, bulklicensing, security, qualityignoredglobal, release group, project

Bulk Actions

You can action more than one issue at a time across all affected projects by using the select all or checking the boxes of the applicable issues in the global issues view.



By selecting the bulk action checkbox, it automatically selects all the issues listed on the page. To select all the applicable issues, you must click the Select all link that displays in green.

Issue Grouping

By default FOSSA issues will be grouped by semantic version. A user may change to the ungrouped view by selecting Version in the issue inbox header and changing to Ungrouped

Issue Drawer

The FOSSA issue detail UI has been updated with an easy to use issue drawer to quickly review and triage issues. A user can open the issue drawer by selecting anywhere within the desired issue's row.

Issue Drawer Controls

At the top right corner of an issue drawer a user can Expand , Share , or Close the issue drawer.

Issue Drawer ControlDescription
ExpandOpens a full screen view of the selected issues in a separate tab
ShareAllows a user to copy a link to the expanded view of the selected issue
CloseCloses the selected issue drawer

Issue Drawer Issue Sub Navigation

The issue sub nav for a Quality issue is composed of the following sections:

Subnavigation NameDescription
Issue DetailsDetailed explanation of why the issue has been flagged and how many packages or projects are impacted
DependencyRelevant information regarding the package itself, such as name, version, depth, and package manager/ecosystem

Issue Drawer Projects Sub Navigation

The project sub nav for a security issue contains the following metadata:

Project NameTitle of the project in FOSSA
Issue StatusWhether the issue is active or ignored in that project
View PathThe origin and dependency path to determine where the package was detected within the project


Time and user stamped comments to track issue triage conversations.