Project Labels

Project Labels

We have added the concept of project labels to FOSSA giving our users a powerful organization tool based upon the business context of each applicable project.


In this article, you learn about filtering and sorting options. As well as, bulk actions you can take to organize projects into teams or release groups

Sort Options


Selecting Title within the Project(s) UI header will sort in ascending or descending


By default each project displays the total issue count across every available issue type. Issue types:

  • Licensing
  • Security
  • Quality

You may change the Issue sort by selecting Total Issues in the header and choosing your desired issue type


Change sort by selecting issue header



  1. Selecting the header of the same issue type will change the sort from descending to ascending
  2. Issue type selection will persist throughout the user's session
Sort TypeDescription
Total IssuesDisplay and sort total issue count across every issue type (Licensing, Security, Quality)
Licensing IssuesDisplay and sort by licensing issues only
Security IssuesDisplay and sort by security issues only
Quality IssuesDisplay and sort by quality issues only

Last policy scan

The default sort for the Project(s) page is Last policy scan in descending (newest --> oldest) . You may change the sort direction by selecting the Last policy scan header.

Filter Options

You now have the ability to use filters to focus your risk evaluation efforts. Please review the list below for a detailed review of each filter.

Filter Groups

Project attributes

Filter typeDescription
CLI uploadFilter to project(s) analyzed via fossa analyze from the CLI or associated Github action
ContainerFilter to project(s) analyzed via fossa container analyze from the CLI
Archive uploadFilter to project(s) analyzed via Archive Upload from one of the supported archive formats (apk, .bz2, .bzip2, .conda, .gem, .gz, .ipa, .jar, .nupkg, .rpm, .tar, .whl, .xz, .zip)
Quick ImportFilter to project(s) analyzed via Quick Import from your version control system
SBOM ImportFilter to project(s) analyzed via SBOM Import from one of the supported SBOM import formats (cycloneDX)


Filter TypeDescription
PublicFilter to project(s) that has a publicly accessible view without authenticating & authorizing as a FOSSA user
PrivateFilter to project(s) that is not publicly accessible and requires authenticating & authorizing as a FOSSA user


Filter TypeDesscription
Project LabelFilter to project(s) that use a FOSSA provided or user defined project label for additional business context. Multiple labels may be selected using OR based logic.

Example: Critical Impact OR Prod

Last policy scan




"Last policy scan" replaces "Last Updated". Last updated only represented a new project revision submitted for analysis. "Last policy scan" represents both a new project revision or a new policy scan.

For FOSSA Security users a new policy scan across all projects, will always occur after each new FOSSA vulnerability database update to ensure we've detected any new CVE's.

Filter TypeDescription
AnytimeFilter to project(s) with a last policy scan at anytime
Last 7 daysFilter to project(s) with a last policy scan within the last 7 days
Last 30 daysFilter to project(s) with a last policy scan within the last 30 days
Last 120 daysFilter to project(s) with a last policy scan within the last 120 days



You can select Reset all filters to remove existing filters at any time to display all identified issues.


Reset all filters


In this section we will all available actions such as adding to deleting projects, adding to teams or creating release groups.


Bulk Actions

You can action more than one project at a time by using the select all or checking the boxes of the applicable project in the UI.




By selecting the bulk action checkbox, it automatically selects all projects listed on the page. To select all applicable projects, you must click the Select all link that displays in green.

Add to team

After selecting your desired projects, you may select add to team and your desired team to add all selected projects to that team. Selecting manage teams will navigate you to the teams settings page to create, edit, or delete teams.


Create Release group

After selecting your desired projects, you may select create a release group to add the selected projects to a new release group. Please see Managing Projects in FOSSA] for more details on managing and creating releases.

Delete projects

After selecting your desired projects, you may select Delete from the action menu to being your permanent deletion including any issue resolutions, OAuth tokens, notifications settings, and webhooks. Select Delete from the confirmation modal to submit your deletion.


Release Groups

Release groups exist within their own sub navigation in the Projects UI. Please see the table below for a detailed breakdown of the differences in available functionality for projects and release groups.

Feature TypeFeature DetailsProjectsRelease groups
SortTitle ASC or DESCYesYes
SortTotal Issues ASC or DESCYesYes
SortLicensing Issues ASC or DESCYesNo
SortSecurity Issues ASC or DESCYesNo
SortQuality Issues ASC or DESCYesNo
SortLast policy scan ASC or DESCYesYes
FilterProject attributesYesNo
FilterLast policy scanYesYes
ActionAdd to teamYesNo
ActionCreate release groupYesNo