Installation Guide - Docker



Prepare Prerequisites

Make sure you've prepared the "Advance Prerequisites" guide before proceeding. The following installation instructions are for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. If you are running FOSSA on another OS, the versions of packages may differ.

This guide will help you set up your machine's environment to install FOSSA on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Make sure you have the necessary prerequisites before beginning.

Important! Run this guide as a superuser via sudo -s.

There are 2 ways in set your environment up for Fossa:

  1. Using the automated setup script: (preferred)
  2. Manually

Automated Setup


NOTE: The automated setup will currently only work for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. If you are running FOSSA on another OS, please use the Manual Setup

Execute the following command and follow the prompt on the screen:

# Download and run the environment setup script
mkdir -p ~/fossa && curl -L<<fossa-installer-version>>.tar.gz | tar -zxv -C ~/fossa --strip-components=1 && chmod a+x ~/fossa/ && sudo ln -sf ~/fossa/ /usr/local/bin/fossa && sudo ~/fossa/

This script should walk you through setting up your environment and configuring FOSSA for first-time boot, creating a root directory at {HOME}/fossa and a CLI you can run using fossa {command}.

Once finished, you're ready to download and run the appliance. You will be prompted for a username, password and email which you should have received after purchasing FOSSA. Contact [email protected] if you haven't already been given those credentials.

# Download and install FOSSA (this may take a while)
fossa init

# Run FOSSA 
fossa start 4

# Note: '4' refers to the number of analysis agents to launch with FOSSA.  
# The more agents you run, the faster & greater your analysis load.
# Reccomended max agents = GB Avail. Mem/2, rounded down (i.e. 32GB RAM/2 = 16 agents)

When running the Automated Setup, FOSSA will boot with a default user with the following credentials:

  Username: admin
  Password: admin

You can jump in to begin configuring your account and invite yourself/users from your organization. It is highly reccomended you change the default password after initial setup at Account Settings > Password.

Manual Setup

1. Set up the environment

# Update the registry
apt-get update
apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D

# Download and install docker, postgres
# NOTE: Do not use Docker 1.9.1 because of:
echo deb ubuntu-trusty main >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
apt-get update
apt-get purge lxc-docker
apt-get install -y docker-engine postgresql-9.3 postgresql-contrib-9.3 postgresql-server-dev-9.3 curl tar default-jdk

# Replace "ubuntu" with your username, if it's different
usermod -aG docker ubuntu

# Edit docker config to use "devicemapper" over "aufs" due to issues with aufs on Ubuntu
grep -Fq "DOCKER_OPTS=\"--storage-driver=devicemapper --storage-opt dm.basesize=20G\"" < /etc/default/docker || ( touch /etc/default/docker ; echo "DOCKER_OPTS=\"--storage-driver=devicemapper --storage-opt dm.basesize=20G\"" >> /etc/default/docker )

# Configure forwarding
sudo ufw disable

# Find the line net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding=1 and uncomment it (or add it) in the file underneath:
vi /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

service docker restart

2. Set up the Postgres database

In the machine that's running postgres (could be the same), run the following:

mkdir -p ~/pg_fossa && curl -L<<pg-fossa-version>>.tar.gz | tar -zxv -C ~/pg_fossa --strip-components=1 && sudo cp -R ~/pg_fossa/* $( pg_config | grep SHAREDIR | awk '{print $3}' )/extension/

sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE fossa"

# replace the default 'fossa123' password with what you have in config.env
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER fossa WITH PASSWORD 'fossa123';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE fossa TO fossa;"

# Install trigram extension
sudo -u postgres psql fossa -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm;"

# Install fuzzystrmatch extension
sudo -u postgres psql fossa -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS fuzzystrmatch;"

# Install pg_fossa extension
sudo -u postgres psql fossa -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_fossa;"

# In the file below, find the IPv4 host configuration and make sure it looks like this:
# host    all             all               md5
sudo -u postgres vi /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf

# In this file, find listen_addresses and set it to ''
sudo -u postgres vi /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf

sudo service postgresql restart

If you have a separate postgres instance, make sure you add those connection details to config.env.

3. (Optional) Configure HTTPS

If you require SSL/TLS support, you can enable this by passing certificates to the FOSSA appliance.

  1. Provision valid SSL certificate and keyfiles that are verified on the host machine

  2. Move your new keyfile to /var/data/fossa/server.key certificate file to /var/data/fossa/server.crt, and if applicable your certificate authority file /var/data/fossa/ on the host machine

  3. Configure FOSSA for https

Update the server settings at the top of your config.env file to read:

# change this from http to https

NOTE: When FOSSA runs, /var/data/fossa on the host machine is mounted to /fossa/public/data within the FOSSA appliance. Therefore if you ever change the path or filenames to your certificates, make sure you store them in a subfolder of /var/data/fossa on your host and properly translate the root paths to /fossa/public/data/... in your config.

  1. Run fossa restart

(Optional) - If you'd like to funnel all FOSSA traffic through a secured channel (i.e. enforce https or hostname), you ask the FOSSA applicance to redirect all traffic it recevies to its base configuration (protocol/host/port).

# example to direct port 80 traffic to configured port

Depending on your network configuration, this may add extra complexity and render FOSSA unreachable under certain conditions, so only configure this if you deeply understand your internal network.

4. (Optional) Prepare Integrations


If you'd like FOSSA to integrate with Bitbucket Server/Stash, make sure you prepare the following:

  1. Location of Bitbucket Server on your network
  2. A bitbucket login for FOSSA (default username/password fossabot/fossa123) with...
  • Global read access (i.e. to clone repos behind your firewall)
  • Ability to create application links via Admin > Application Links

Once FOSSA is running, {FOSSA_HOST}/docs/integrations/bitbucket-server-(stash) will have futher instructions on setup.

JIRA Issue Tracker:

To run the Atlassian JIRA setup, make sure you create a fossabot account with global access to create/edit tickets as well as an admin account to install webhooks.

Once FOSSA is running, {FOSSA_HOST}/docs/integrations/jira-issue-tracker will have futher instructions on setup.

Github & Gitlab:

Please refer to our integration guides in the navigation.

Cocoapods API:

Make sure that you have the fossa-cocoapods-api container IP mapped to what is listed as your cocoapods_api__hostname config in config.env. The Cocoapods-api migration will create a public/private key pair if one does not exist on your host machine at `/root/.ssh/id_rsa'.

4. Run the FOSSA installer

As part of the installer, you will be prompted for a username, password and email. Contact [email protected] if you haven't already been given those credentials.

# Download and run the installer
mkdir -p ~/fossa && curl -L<<fossa-installer-version>>.tar.gz | tar -zxv -C ~/fossa --strip-components=1 && chmod a+x ~/fossa/ && sudo ln -sf ~/fossa/ /usr/local/bin/fossa && fossa init

# Configure FOSSA first-time
vi ~/fossa/config.env

# Run FOSSA 
fossa start 4

# Note: '4' refers to the number of analysis agents to launch with FOSSA.  
# The more agents you run, the faster & greater your analysis load.
# Reccomended max agents = GB Avail. Mem/2, rounded down (i.e. 32GB RAM/2 = 16 agents)

Updating FOSSA

See the FOSSA CLI commands for more details on how to manage and update the appliance.